It seems the padding between Controls is random and there's no way of controlling it - Also, the Control Width should be 100% of the Section instead of the Form. If I set each Control to 50%, they will not stack against each other.
Profile window - Show multiple vertical alignments
We often have multiple vertical alignments for a single horizontal alignment. It would be extremely helpful to see all vertical alignments in the profile window. Currently, if we have a roadway profile that is not set active because there are mult...
Following from issues with relative floating of objects on the canvas it will be a good tool to have a search box for components. Start typing the component name and a list appears (similar to the Bindings). Once a component name is chosen the foc...
This option is available in Control, but not Field. This makes it impossible to enter info in Grids, as all the column names are truncated and fields are too narrow.Control - Field -
Arpit Prakash
over 1 year ago
in Field / Forms | Forms
Future Consideration
Forms - Export list of binding for the organization
Create the ability for admins to export a list of form bindings for the project, and see if the binds are assigned to any controls. Then be able to delete any bindings not be used or required.
Thomas Schimpf
over 3 years ago
in SYNCHRO Control / Forms
Future consideration
It would be nice if we could add the 'Eye ball' icon to Set workflow page, to test out how the workflow is going to work. Right now we need to save, publish, and create a practice form to test out workflows. It would be nice if we could test and p...
Thomas Schimpf
over 3 years ago
in SYNCHRO Control / Forms
Future consideration
in the same way that we control the permissions for a role for the whole form, we need to be able to define permissions at state level. This means that UserA has all up to Assign permissions on the form, this automatically is inherited in Status A...