Currently, when user export all the form contents in excel, it doesn't export the images as well. As such, users need to still need to open the forms one by one to get the images uploaded in the form.
Siti Nurhazirah Mokmin
over 3 years ago
in SYNCHRO Control / Forms
Future consideration
Add current progress % next to progress bar for each activity in "All Activities" page
This is an idea from our programming team, which they find it very useful if can directly know the progress of each activity, with the aid of filtering function and WBS, instead of going to another page like "Quantity Progress", which doesn't have...
The European Union has its own laws related to data protection. At time of writing Synchro Control does not provide any data center where European Law aplied to.
Incorporation of an "Undo" feature within the measurement tool
incorporate an "undo" button while you are using any of the civil tools. For example, being able to use the "station/Offset" tool 10 times and only "undoing" the last 3 measurements taken instead of all the 10.
Tony Bonacorsi
over 1 year ago
in Field / Models | Tools
Future Consideration
Enabling measurement tools to convert between different units of measure
have the ability to convert an area measured from Square Feet to Square Yards or Acres automatically with a click of a button like Google Earth's Capability.
Tony Bonacorsi
over 1 year ago
in Field / Models | Tools
Future Consideration
Allow save of a form with incomplete data in mandatory fields in a status
When form bindings are set as required in "status" window the published form will not allow intermediate save until ALL properties have values. Allow for incomplete data to be saved by user. From user perspective I have contributed time to populat...