When export data grid to a PDF, if the column have long name, the title will be cutted. Hope the title can auto wrap to next line. and combive to data Grid Title Style enable is good.
The cross section tools in Field have limited use, especially to non-designers. Some sort of auto-labeling (ideally of slopes, elevations, material types for meshes, etc.) that could be toggled on and off would be extremely helpful.
Ability to model a flow and copy it it into a new unique (custom) form to be further customised. This will save a lot of time in multistage complex flows which are very similar. Currently a flow can be shared within the form type but cannot be cus...
Requested by Patryk Makowski <p.makowski@cmteam.net> Please add selection tool (like "By rectangular") to enable selecting/unselecting multiple elements at once, without selecting them all, while we're in statusing mode. They want to upt sta...
Ability to upload multiple photos in one go against a Perform Work Reference in the web
Currently, a user needs to upload one photo at a time and add a comment. This feature would allow a user to add multiple photos to a Work Reference (Activity or Event) in one go