I would like to suggest to add an option, something like a locker or even controlled on the Options window to prevent someone to accidentally change a property either on Resource properties or Resource Window. I mean add this extra option to lock ...
In Navisworks we are able to import Search sets which is the equivalent to 3D Filters in Synchro through XML format. Just being able to do this simple thing is of extremely importance. We use spreadsheets to help creating the xml files. We can eve...
over 5 years ago
Future consideration
After completing the first tasks (T01) of a checksheet in our production environment. The status of the checksheets shows "unknown" in task admin, making it impossible to see if it has been processed correctly
When you are in a checksheet on the web, and put a comment behind a tag. It is not displayed properly on the app (shown directly in the answer box)
Comments can only be made on the app when failing an item, why only when failing? If you fail an it...
Remove all unused attribute fields from the Mobile viewing page
The app does not hide unused attribute fields and they feel there is too much "fluff" for in the field. This will not only add development for us, but also be a code change to Field Engineer.We inherited the property functionality from Field Engin...
Beth Buerger
about 6 years ago
in SYNCHRO Control
Will not implement