If you add cost to e.g. a resource and you edit the details in the resource properties widget then you get the following options for the type: Also note that the default effective date defaults to 1/2/1970. I think there’s probably no use case atm...
Maintain Page Position in Forms List when Editing a Form
When ‘saving’ a Form or moving it through a workflow, the whole Forms List will reset to page 1 of a multipage list. This is causing teams to lose their place and having to click back several pages to where they had been. Request is to have the sy...
Elmer Schroeder
over 1 year ago
in SYNCHRO Control
As a user I would like to be able to see PDF sheets when disconnected
when I am in the field I can not count on having WIFI service and I want to be able to do my work even if disconnected. running back to the trailer to get a signal and complete my work is not convenient.
Is it possible to create a hierachy in Filters so that I might be able to group filters? When having many filters in a project, its easier to structure these in a tree structure, grouping all Structural, Architectural etc. Making it easier to 'rol...
All 'Percent Complete Types' property available in task table, no matter the progress type setting
All 'Percent Complete Types' properties available in task table, no matter the progress type setting. For example, if progress type is set to unit, we need to see percent complete for unit, duration, manual & physical as columns in the task ta...
Configuration option to keep new activities visible in filtered view
It is confusing to the user that activities added in a filtered view are not shown/filtered out. An option to keep new activities in a filtered view would help. See attached video
Start and finish dates for predecessors and successors in the links dialog box
When adding logic using the links dialog box, it would be benificial to be able to see the start and finish dates when selecting predecessors and successors. This functionality is available in P6 and is critical for effective scheduling workflows ...