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Resources/Resource Groups/Resource Status

Showing 6

Collapse Up / Collapse Down Function & Keyboard Shortcut in Tables (Resources, 3D, Activity)

We would like to be able to quickly jump up or down in the hierarchy of the various tables in Synchro 4D. Ctrl + [ to collapse up one level Ctrl +] to expanded down one level Ctrl +- to collapse all Ctrl + = to expand all For example: An activity ...
Mike Ranney about 1 year ago in SYNCHRO 4D Pro / Resources/Resource Groups/Resource Status 1

Update Resources based on updated 3D model

If new elements are added in 3D model for which resources have been created in Synchro 4D pro. There must be option to recreate the existing resources without breaking the links and maintaining the hierarchy as per the 3D model.
Jerry David Jaypaul about 3 years ago in SYNCHRO 4D Pro / Resources/Resource Groups/Resource Status 0 Planned

Improve RG as the concept of Crew

Currently Pro has some advanced features for resource loading, resource usage spreadsheet, etc. To take it to the next level, it would be a good idea to implement RG in a similar as Resources. A thought would be to use RG as a Crew. A crew is a co...
Dimitrios Mitritsios about 4 years ago in SYNCHRO 4D Pro / Resources/Resource Groups/Resource Status 0 Future consideration

Able to Select Component in Custom Hierarchy

When we set the 3D object / Resources as using Custom Hierarchy. When we select a Node, it does not select all component under that node. And in the right click menu there is no Select Child Object. We must manually select the child component. It ...
Indrawan Gmail over 2 years ago in SYNCHRO 4D Pro / Resources/Resource Groups/Resource Status 0 Future consideration

Assign Parent level of resources without children (P6 allows this)

No description provided
alex van belleghem about 3 years ago in SYNCHRO 4D Pro / Resources/Resource Groups/Resource Status 0 Will not implement

Available Units

Does "Available Units" actually do anything? For example, the "Assigned Units" cannot exceed "Available Units".
Shaohua Guan over 3 years ago in SYNCHRO 4D Pro / Resources/Resource Groups/Resource Status 1 Already exists