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Pinned ideas

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PINNED Add enable button to media indexing page to enable service if they have the RBAC role
If I don't have media indexing enabled on my project AND I'm an admin, we need to add a button her to enable it?
PINNED SYNCHRO Field - Update Task Start date based off Earliest Resource Status
I am not sure if this is planned or not, but when we have the ability to update Resource Status through SYNCHRO Field, there should be an option (or Automatic) to change the status of the Task from Planned to Started, and also update the date to r...

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Refine wording on Add Event page - sharing with subcontractors / clients

A common trap for our field personnel is to add relevant 'Subcontractors' and 'Clients' when they create an Event thinking they are simply tagging them in because it is relevant to their scope. They don't realise they are grating access to the eve...
Amelia Ogilvie almost 3 years ago in Perform / Events & Notices 0 Will not implement

ability to use wildcard in script for User field name

When writing the script we may sometime want to sum multiple user field value from different user field name (for example FF CP-1A + FF CP-1B +FF CP-2 +... FF CP-9), we would put prefix or suffix on the user field name so that later we can write s...
Edgar Chan almost 3 years ago in SYNCHRO 4D Pro 0 Will not implement

Use mobile app to act as a base station for scanning in attendance

currently there is a time out set on the application for scanning, if we could set up ipads for scan in and scan out for the attendance without having to change/touch the ipad
Jack Lowes almost 3 years ago in Perform / Attendance 0 Future Consideration

Task API export for external reporting

Would be very useful to export the Tasks in detail to create reports of task progress for handovers
Jack Lowes almost 3 years ago in Perform / Reports 1 Will not implement

Data validation in forms

Please, consider user friendly method to add data input validation in the forms e.g. is it an e-mail, is it a 8 figure number, is it within limit of between X and Y. Currently some functionality may be achieved with scripts
Kiril Tasev almost 3 years ago in SYNCHRO Control / Forms 0 Future consideration

Show *only* active appearance profiles in the legend during animation.

It'll be too beneficial if we can show just active appearance profiles during the animation.
Ehab Ahmed almost 3 years ago in SYNCHRO 4D Pro / Animations 0 Future consideration

the remove related records on demob does not work for future hours already added

should go and remove any hours that have been entered - we add bulk leave in advance which you cannot see on the people summary but are behind the scenes - was working but now is not
Cindy Anderson almost 3 years ago in Perform / Timesheets 1 Will not implement

Dropdown menu with suggestions when scripting

When writing/typing a script, there is only one suggestion displayed when entering the first letter(s). When entering the first letter(s), there should be a dropdown menu with multiple/all suggestions. This way scripting will be a lot easier.
over 5 years ago in SYNCHRO 4D Pro 2 Future consideration

Project Risk Management could be part of the Issues module by adding a Risk entry to the Form.

Project Risk manages 'Risk' to the Project (Schedule), not Safety. Risks found and registered with possible impact to the project schedule is used to plan and mitigate the issue. Data can then be further used to raise ongoing lessons learned . Hap...
Guest over 5 years ago in SYNCHRO Control 0

Show documents and forms on maps

It would be useful to be able to use the map to determine where documents and forms such as issues are located. There should be a toggle to show/hide based on categories.
Arnar Agustsson over 5 years ago in Field / Forms | Maps 1 Planned