The users have lots 3D Objects that unassigned to the tasks. It would be useful if we can have a feature (like 3d filter) that will allow us to display only assigned geometry to the tasks I was trying to use Data Visualization tool, but I found it...
Hi SYNCHRO team,
I have a new idea for the 3D filter by UserField function.When you create a 3D filter by UserField Values you can use the search function to search the right User Fields. After you have created a 3D filter it is hard to find bac...
Stephan Klotz
over 5 years ago
Future consideration
Make all task properties available as columns within the task table.
Have all task properties available as columns within the task table. The user is currently required to run a script to push data to a user field to make visible in the task table. For example budgeted labor units, actual labor units, remaining lab...
Hi I'm after an easy way of renaming user field's names in bulk. Paraphs if we could do find and replace or be able to copy to excel and paste it back it would help. In our case would simplify the fields so they would not have long names...
David Félix
about 3 years ago
Future consideration
We are going to begin working with the Dashboard in SYNCHRO more and i came across some issues that would be an annoyance to our customers.
We are going to begin working with the Dashboard in SYNCHRO more and i came across some issues that would be an annoyance to our customers. Please see the attached document.