Request is to have some of the standard section symbol recognize and convert to hyperlink to navigate to the associate pdf displaying the section ( reference Smartuse » Hyperlink
When adding photos to folder or photos added by form attachment provide edit tool for File name and Image description when selected. For users who want to further clarify, add data, or forgot/did not change upon attaching image to form. Currently,...
Custom Order Columns for Plan Sets and Specification
Would like to have functionality to rearrange columns on the pdf Plan Set tab and Specification tab in the Documents section of Control. The forms interface currently allows for this functionality however the other sections of Control do not.
When adding tag, we do not seems to have a list of existing tags. Request is to list all the existing tags as we enter a string. Also be able to have a hierarchy tag If we could introduce TAG IA so by doing OCR, tags could be propose and accept by...
It does not seem we can control access to sheet in a plan set. Under Documents we can set folder access Under Connections access is control by PWDI We would require the same access control for sheet under plan set.
For vertical building and large building ( stadium) we will require to have a multi layer map ( one per floor or elevation). Also we need to create a custom map that would represent a section of a building at a specific elevation has we the constr...
When we create a plan set having to fill all mandatory field is time consuming. Most of the info could be fill upstream from PWDI. If we could have 1) An interface with attribute under PWDI and when importing the PDF to Synchro control those attri...