Ability to copy and instance of a form into a new instance including values
Ability to select an instance of already created form, create a new instance with the same data. Bonus functionality to be able to select which Values to copy into the new instance. This is where some of the values are repetitive between instances.
Show Binding in Published state when logged as Admin
When troubleshooting or finetuning a Form or a workflow it is required not only to see the Label/Control but also to see the Binding name in the published live state of a Form definition. Please, allow, when logged as an admin, to be able to see t...
Manage the continuity of forms from design to construction.
Provide continuity to the project lifecycle by generating a procedure to transfer the forms created in the Design stage (with a project created in the infrastructure cloud portal) to the Construction stage (with a project created in the synchro co...
The Ability to delete a created form(s) (Either filled out on inactive/Draft forms). Can we have an option to have inactive/draft forms appear in a Recover Deleted Items section?
Derryl Acosta
over 3 years ago
in SYNCHRO Control / Forms
Future consideration
Preconstruction Forms should be in the list of Forms, but under a group/heading called Preconstruction that can be minimized. This will prevent having a long list of Forms to look through.
Derryl Acosta
over 3 years ago
in SYNCHRO Control / Forms
Future consideration
In 'Assign To' and 'Multi Assign' it would be nice to have the users and the roles grouped together. For exampel 'Role: Designer' and then underneath that all the users in that role, and then the next role with associated users underneath that and...
provide option for script action to clear user selected values in a form control
currently we quite often use pairs of form controls where depending on conditional value of the first control, the second will be shown or hidden by script. Quite often a user will expose the hidden control, make a selection or populate data and t...
Provide ability to copy user group from Synchro into Projectwise to enable folder permissions
the Provide ability to copy user group from Synchro into ProjectWise to enable folder permissions. Currently, if a Form definition is set to output pdf to PW in transition, the PW admin will have to modify the permissions of each user individually...
Add visual indicator to the PDF printout fields that have binding mapping done
hello, if a binding mapping is done for a field in the PDF printout, that field, should have some kind of indicator, indicating that itself has been mapped. please refer to the screenshot.