When processing iModel, either through iTwein Synchronizer or the Webpage, all properties visible in Revit should be processed and stored in iModel and can be viewed on Control by default. Users should also be given options to select the model pro...
multiple transitions to same closed state with different outcome of inspection
Case scenario: Transition from State A(open) to Closed by Client inspector named "Passed" based on Approve credentials Transition from State A(open) to Closed by Subcontractor named "Non attendance" based on Create credentials
Kiril Tasev
almost 2 years ago
in SYNCHRO Control / Forms
Future consideration
Flow BreakSwitch - contact authorised role or admin to move flow when blocked by someone or something
Provide option to notify authorised role or admin that a flow is blocked by person or rule and needs intervention or progression. Case scenario: Flow goes from subcontractor to Client for Inspection. If Client decides they may not carry the Inspec...
Kiril Tasev
almost 2 years ago
in SYNCHRO Control / Forms
Future consideration
To have performance percentage complete in Synchro
By default the performance percentage complete is built-in in P6, having performance percentage complete in synchro can directly display the percentage of earned value cost / budgeted total cost in a project.
Include GUIDs in cost code assignment summary export
Currently after user completes the cost code assignments in Modeler, the export/ summary does not necessary provide the GUIDs for the elements, therefore consultants or services colleagues don't have a way to bring cost codes to 4D Pro unless Mode...
Jacqueline Chen
almost 4 years ago
in SYNCHRO Modeler
Allow AssignedUsers to be automated through csv upload
Assigned Users property is essential and critical in managing form visibility when Is Private is set to True. This is necessary in complex subcontractor structures where the parties needs to be isolated from each other and still use the same Form ...
Provide option to limit which admins can see projects in Synchro Control
Currently if a user has a role of admin he can see any project set up on Synchro. Please, provide option to limit which admins can see/edit/modify my projects.
Provide option to see project owners/creator in Synchro Control Projects screen
Provide option to see project owners/creator in Synchro Control Projects screen. Currently this is not possible from the main register, and I have to click into teh projec to see details.
Kiril Tasev
12 months ago
in SYNCHRO Control
Future consideration