Our Team is working on one project and our scope is to export 3D model from synchro as .fbx file and link that file into 3ds max to create rendering according to the planned dates from schedule because we need to update that file multiple times as per the project need.
As we have created a schedule 4D sequence animation for the project, we exported whole animation as .fbx file and then wanted to
linked/ Import that animation file into 3ds max. So, if required we can update or modify schedule in synchro.
But, When we are linking .fbx to 3ds max the whole model is coming as single geometry, so it is hard to texture or edit as single entity also the geometry is coming not smooth looks edgy, Even when we are importing .fbx file as animation it is not coming properly exactly as in synchro schedule.
So, If Synchro give us capability to link our file into 3DS Max we can enhance the quality of renders with accuracy according to the planned and actual schedules.
This would be a really good idea.
I can make the 4D export to .fbx work, but lose growth profiles. (Add in 3DS)
Combinging the power of 3DS with the scheduling of Synchro 4D Pro would be a GAMECHANGER. C