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Workspace SYNCHRO 4D Pro
Created by Guest
Created on Aug 4, 2021

Default Edge Colour

Hi Jacqueline and Kate,

I will also try to explain what is the issue and what we would like to have.

If we don't manually override the colour of the objects or don't use 3D View Properties > Color Mode > 3D Filters, then the edges are shown black.

As we use 3D Filters, the edges will be the same colour as the 3D Filter (image below). [cid:image003.png@01D7894A.8B9768E0]

What we need is the Synchro edges to remain always black no matter what, like image below.


Hi Jacqueline / Kate,

I'm one of the Synchro users at Hinkley Point C, and have a suggestion I'd like to make regarding the edges within the 3D window. Currently the default edges appear to be coloured very similar to the 3D object colour itself (and are very difficult to see), would it be possible to add an option to change the edge colour manually, or to have it permanently set to black?

Below are 3 screenshots showing different views, the top one is using our own edges generated in Sketchup, which are then imported (HPC Edges), the middle is the default Synchro edges, and the bottom one is without any edges. As you can see it is difficult to distinguish the different sections with the default Synchro edges.

The edge colour changer could work by activating the edges in the 3D window:

And by doing this, you get another button appear on the 3D ribbon allowing you to change the edge colour:

Hopefully you can see the suggestion clearly, as being able to have the default edges in black would help save time and reduce some of our workload.

I've also attached the Synchro file I used for the screenshots above in case you wish to have a look at it. If you have any questions about the suggestion please feel free to send me an email and I'll reply to you as soon as possible.

Kind regards,

Daniel Clayson

Digital Engineering Apprentice, Bylor

BYLOR JV � Hinkley Office

    Dec 8, 2021

    Thanks for submitting this idea. We have included this improvement in our dev build.

    The improvement now does not overwrite edge colors - edge color is always black.

    Dev notes:

    For polygonal 3D objects coloring modes in 3D window and Edit > Color will affect only faces and not edges. Polyline objects and text objects are still colored fully as it is the only way to convey color for them.