Option to Link Tagged Items to Revised/Current Qty/Hrs
Hi, would be great to have a tick box where I can select to make the activity's revised/current qty/hours, align automatically to whatever the tagged item list contains. When I import, it assigns to the Tagged item register and items values automa...
provide option for requesting comment in Survey control without pressing a button
In some situations we use the Survey control to enable users to upload files. In this cases we do not require any response through the questions/buttons. Please, provide option to request comment without having to press any of the buttons.
Restrict creation of Events to authorised personnel
Restricted to minimise the number of events and control the relevance of events. Site teams to submit justified requests to PMs/PEs for creation of events.
Allow AssignedUsers to be automated through csv upload
Assigned Users property is essential and critical in managing form visibility when Is Private is set to True. This is necessary in complex subcontractor structures where the parties needs to be isolated from each other and still use the same Form ...
Create extrusions from 2D drawing to animate construction sequence without 3D model
At an early planning stage or if the project does not have 3D models, construction sequence can be created from 2D shapes. A valuable improvement would be a way to quickly create extrusions from 2D drawings (e.g. DWG or PDF) to quickly create a "m...
Provide option to limit which admins can see projects in Synchro Control
Currently if a user has a role of admin he can see any project set up on Synchro. Please, provide option to limit which admins can see/edit/modify my projects.
Provide option to see project owners/creator in Synchro Control Projects screen
Provide option to see project owners/creator in Synchro Control Projects screen. Currently this is not possible from the main register, and I have to click into teh projec to see details.
Kiril Tasev
over 1 year ago
in SYNCHRO Control
Future consideration
It should be possible to set conditions that trigger certain permissions. As an example, a sub-contractor could have different permissions based on the discipline of the form that is being raised. The electrical sub might be a direct participant i...
Arnar Agustsson
over 1 year ago
in SYNCHRO Control / Forms
Future consideration
Automatically add the user's role to the multi-assign for forms with IsPrivate enabled
When the IsPrivate binding is enabled on a form, it can be tricky to ensure that all relevant users have access. The creator always gets access but others need to be added manually. This can be partially done with scripting but there is still a ke...
Arnar Agustsson
over 1 year ago
in SYNCHRO Control / Forms
Future consideration