It would be great to be able to make a control project or part of it public, that could be accessed via a link. This would give the opportunity to easily share the plan to everyone, not having to add team members one by one.
having a link between SYNCHRO Control Inspections & ComplyPro would offer greater progressive assurance functionality by introducing standards / requirements built into the Inspection Forms. Example; if you have a project requirement which is ...
Synchro needs to update to new PW Web for Documents
Synchro control is missing some of the most useful tools available in newer versions of PW Web. Co-authoring of documents, ability to connect to Drive and others. In order for us to build PlantSight projects linked with Synchro, these will be requ...
Bring in the functionality when detailing a form to tag to a work package
Currently, when you create a form, you have to go back to the work package and 'relate' the form. We need the backwards functionality that when we detail out a form, we can directly link it to a work package as we build it out.
Doug Theret
almost 4 years ago
in SYNCHRO Control / Forms
Future consideration
Discuss 'Claim a Form' or similar functionality to demonstrate & communicate a form is owned when assigned to a Role
Add 'Claim a Form' functionality to demonstrate & communicate a form is owned and being executed by an individual within an assigned Role. Or something similar, as what are the chances of two people simultaneously picking up the same task.
Need to be able to attach Pdf sheet w/ Multiple plan locations to multiple map locations
Need a way to attach a sheet the shows two plan sheet on a single pdf. if we can make copy and add lable about Top/Bottom/ or Left/Right ect... See page 8,9, and 10 of attched planset . Can provide more examples if needed
The weather status could be seen at the home page but it's not updated automatically in the daily log. Could this be added to the top section of the daily log and automatically capturing the weather status from the home page?