Ability to automatically fill Plan Set fields from title block
All sheets within a plan set typically have a title block with consistent data structure and location. We can already select text from a smart pdf, or ocr capabilities for dumb pdfs. We should be able to map this information to their respective fi...
Email Notifications when Documents uploaded to the Documents Module
When Documents are uploaded to the Documents Module, it would be nice to have the option to receive email notifications when new documents or any documents are uploaded to this module.
A good WBS is the core to most schedules and the ability to quickly filter by WBS levels or groups is a much used feature in P6 and other scheduling tools I would like to do in Synchro. The current work arounds I use are 1) Manually select the des...
I have several 3D still images for stagings that are saved in viewpoints. Everytime i need to activate then hit the report reder in iray button. Which means I will have to wait for all of my images to be rendered one by one. We should a have a bat...
provide option for script action to clear user selected values in a form control
currently we quite often use pairs of form controls where depending on conditional value of the first control, the second will be shown or hidden by script. Quite often a user will expose the hidden control, make a selection or populate data and t...
Ability to map field to more than one PDF location
Control only allows each field to map to one spot on a PDF. There are many fields were the information needs to be mapped to different locations on the PDF - like when each pdf page has data in the header. The Forms service has no limitation.... i...