When in the Clash Detection module, I would like a tool (similar to the one in the forms) that turns on/off the pins. If I want to turn on or off the clash pins, I need to switch to the Forms panel currently. Possibly move the pin display tool fro...
please, consider expanding on the data types of existing controls or adding new controls. Few needed on our project: Number type in drop down control. This allows data from cascading lists to be used in math operations Link (url) control (i believ...
Possible to generate a Model Summary View for all users to view all the pins placed or tagging in the models, even though not assigned to the user? Currently, individual user able to view all the pins assigned to him/her but not other pins not ass...
In Connect Form Manager, it can set the Display Name Property, which thisproperty will appear in email Title. Without this, the email will show [No Name] in the Title. So to have this setting in SYNCHRO form Manager is required.
Right now the stast transition button only have Property Assignment. Many time we need to notice user, so to have notivication is good. like the normal Transition Button.
Enable the ability to search for a user in the ‘assigned to’ list by typing their name
Enable the ability to search for a user in the ‘assigned to’ list by typing their name to filter the results. Sometimes we have a lot of people in the project so it is difficult find an specific person scrolling.
Include roll back option as separate permissions in the roles. In large projects you don't want roll back to be available to everyone. Now we can't see what changes were made by who and what the impact is on the work that is done. There is also no...
Add Revit Category to 3D User Fields for 3D Fliters
It would be useful to be able to create 3D Filters based on the Revit Category value of the element. In the example below I would simply want to have a filter that can dynamically search/filter the models to all elements of that Category.