Hi, It would be very useful if we can save under a Saved View the hidden objects. So basically I hide 3D objects to clear/isolate areas within the model, then I want to save the view and reuse it in future.
A key part of construction is the maintenance of a site diary. It would be great if we were able to create site diaries which users can create and complete on a daily basis. Also have the ability to attach images to site diaries.
Once Received RFQ response from Suppliers, the Cost Variant data should compare and generate the Cost Comparision Report. This report is useful to conform the correct suppliers and also selected suppliers profiles for QTY, Cost, all etc.
provide option for script action to clear user selected values in a form control
currently we quite often use pairs of form controls where depending on conditional value of the first control, the second will be shown or hidden by script. Quite often a user will expose the hidden control, make a selection or populate data and t...
Currently QR Codes have a 255 char limitation. Alstom have requested/highlighted the need to have an increase in data stored within - Upto 16 columns within the QR Code.
Many times, we want to clear the Modeler Local Cache. And I think it is better to have the button to click, rather than need to go a folder location and delete it manually. This Clear Cache button should able to clear only selected iModel (not alw...
Indrawan Wijaya
over 1 year ago
in SYNCHRO Modeler
Needs review
Provide ability to copy user group from Synchro into Projectwise to enable folder permissions
the Provide ability to copy user group from Synchro into ProjectWise to enable folder permissions. Currently, if a Form definition is set to output pdf to PW in transition, the PW admin will have to modify the permissions of each user individually...