the goal is to filter the 4D view to today's or next week's work for the specific role based user viewing the 4D model, pref. based on activity codes, 3D or tasks filters (like SITE used to have!)
There Should be a possibility to set a Control with a pin. That means when you choose it you should be able to set a Pin to save this Control Value. E.G: when you collect defects on the same level you don't need to fill the Level every time for ea...
Improving bulk imported 'inspections work scope' transparency within the inspection WBS / Hierarchy
Improving bulk imported 'inspections work scope' transparency within the inspection WBS / Hierarchy - by adding the required inspections to the items / tags. Currently the WBS shows the parent / child / items so work scope; post import is not visi...
Further to our Customer suggestion, it would be very usful to have a Drop down list feature for User defined Field. It could be the list with the values to be selected from the same formula in the field value, or (to save ASCII script text) is ref...