When creating a project using the ITwin API that project is not visible in SYNCHRO Control. Project creation through the Projects API was a request they made when the Projects API was being migrated into the iTwin API and never responded too.
Send a document to PDFTron for conversion to PDF via a Web Service REST API
As a Bentley developer I want to be able to send a document to PDFTron (Apryse) via a Web Services API call for conversion into a PDF document. Expectation is that a PDF document is generated and available via an endpoint returned by the original ...
Provide ability to clear permissions in Form designer
Provide ability (button) to clear all permissions from a form template in Form designer "Set permissions" tab. This will allow quick clean slate reprovision of roles and permissions.
Currently you can filter with a time frame and the 3d view will adapt to it. user should be able to filter by human resource, material resource, equipment resource, and location resource. user should also be able to filter by work package descipli...
Is IFC4X implementation and synchronization on the roadmap for the Synchro suite? Unfortunately I am not able to work with IFC 4X2 with the latest Synchro 4D Pro version: ==================================================
Error: The schema [IFC4X...
For some projects the Client may not want or may not have a iModel to upload, but have developed a schedule (wbs and tasks). Synchro Field usually allows select the 3D objects and assign progress directly to them (after that tasks are progressed t...
Its important to be able to back track logic and the drivers in a particular string or path. In other scheduling software, I do this by filtering or grouping by Float Paths. This allows the team to analyze driving activities quickly. Furthermore w...
Ability to flag daily or weekly Templated Report(s) as "Favourites"
If you have a long list of Templated Reports on a project, with not all of them being applicable to a user, it would be good for a user to flag their "Favourite" reports and have them appear at the top of the list
Luke Read
over 2 years ago
in Perform / Reports
Future Consideration
In many occasions we use date for something that is yet to happen. Yet the user can input a date in the past. Having the ability to restrict the date for future events as related to the date of input of information would avoid this kind of errors.