Able to sign a blank box on a form like those
used for delivery so that the wet signature is
captured. This also needs to be able to transfer
onto a PDF rendition of the document.
if a Control has a binding, when it's copied/pasted, can we add an option where the bindings are not copied/pasted as well? meaning the pasted Control does not have a binding.
We need the ability to have multiple projects under one main project. I this example, see attached image. I have one main job number. And in this case 350 different airports or sub projects. Each project has the same folder structure in it. Right ...
Martin Price
about 3 years ago
in SYNCHRO Control / Admin
Future consideration
Ability to Define Condition on Property Assignments during Transitions
I want to be able to define a condition for property assignments - One use case scenario is to automatically assign the Form to a User, based on a Project that was selected in the previous status.
Grid control / Table functions needs improving, needs to function more like MS office. This tool is very difficult to use and can be very inconvenient. The grid control should also allow for limited horizontal inputs, allowing X and Y data as apos...
Ashley Edmonds
over 1 year ago
in SYNCHRO Control / Forms
Future consideration
Send a document to PDFTron for conversion to PDF via a Web Service REST API
As a Bentley developer I want to be able to send a document to PDFTron (Apryse) via a Web Services API call for conversion into a PDF document. Expectation is that a PDF document is generated and available via an endpoint returned by the original ...
if form A is escalated to form B, each form need to be exported separately. have the option to export both forms in one PDF document if one form is escalated to another.
Siti Nurhazirah Mokmin
about 4 years ago
in SYNCHRO Control / Reports
Future consideration