Add legend of ActivityCode Values in Gantt while in 'Activity Code Color' Mode
We're using the activity code color model to define tasks for multiple companies. But it's not possible to add a legend to the Gantt to define the colors.Legend must be suitable to show both ACV and/or ACV Description
Can the color scheme, background or font be changed in the synchro field app when users try to submit a form for review. When they submit a form for review it prompts them to assign a recipient for review, but the default image appears to be greye...
Show name of user who submitted a docket on the Docket Inbox
It would be helpful to see the user who submitted the docket, on the Docket Inbox page, in case you needed to contact that user if you had a question. Currently the Docket Review and Site Docket Review screens on the mobile app show this information
Luke Read
almost 3 years ago
in Perform / Dockets
Future Consideration
Show usage creator and updater on Resource Usage Entry page
It is not currently possible to see who created a usage entry on the Resource Usage Entry page (this can only be seen via Cost Analytics and the Resource Usage Export). This change would allow a user to see the usage creator on this page.
Luke Read
almost 3 years ago
in Perform / Timesheets
Future Consideration
When selecting a parent folder should i not get all the subfolders and files? Currently, when I select a folder from the document I'm only getting 1 folder and non of its subfolders and files
I would like the ability to add additional fields into the Field App View for Forms
I would like the ability to add additional fields into the Field App View for Forms. This option will allow us to be able to sort on a specific field in the field App.