Add the ability to create schedules for many models of one SynchroControl project.
Currently only one SynchroControl project model can be configured for the scheduling service ("Set up this iModel for scheduling service"). When a project is large in size or diligent, it is more convenient to split it into several models. Moreove...
Currently, we need to pre-create multiple Sections for each anticipated entry. This leads to the following issues - Anticipating no. of entries in advance Large no. of bindings manually created Large no. of scripts required to display/hide each Se...
This is useful for cases where we want to make a field hidden by default, but it becomes visible and required based upon other related input. We can make fields required through workflow, but that is not available through initialization settings.
Requesting that the notifications from IRS contain more information (e.g. Project name, Facility name, form type from IRS, etc.)
The only information coming through is the person who assigned the issue, and a number (example: TQ-SPS-xxxxx) that may not jump out at the user Related to idea SDP4-I-15 This is in Shell's AHA workspace that is separate from Bentley.
For modification to audit trails, we want a feature to view only the changes made to it, and not the entire content of the field/binding.This would help us to understand what the exact changes made to the form is and not just the entire content of...