Integrate Rules of Credit into mobile app (properly)
Currently the rules of credit progress update interface is an 'iwindow'(?) which completely crashes when opened in the windows app.It is currently only available as an add-on you need to request. It is already a tabbed viewer, it doesnt make any s...
Currently there is no relation between tasks and their subtask, even in rules of credit, you could have all subtasks at 100% but the parent still sits at 0% as a manual input.
Allow scope items to have "Create and Add Another"
Creating hundreds of scope items is tedious and if we are not allowed to use an upload spreadsheet, this would at least eliminate 5 mouse clicks per ite,
It would be useful that have all the projects photos on site for project managers to walk around and review by where they are on the project. As a construction site worker, I want to quickly find images and videos in the project repository, so tha...
Matthew Blake
over 2 years ago
in Field / Forms | Media
Future Consideration
Under the Plan Set Allow the Admin to configure which information will be display or best case allow user to create their own display configuration. At the moment we see only name, version and discipline
Under synchro Plan Set, have the option to display thumbnail reason is we have pant set with 100 or document per discipline and having thumbnail open a new way to look for a drawings. This will allow browsing like a photo gallery