Transfer iModel and related data from Project Wise to Control
To be able to transfer an IModel that has been linked on ProjectWise to a Control Project without loosing ALL Connections that were made in 4D Pro and/or Modeler
Field App - Ability to scroll through a PDF Plan Set
When I have a PDF Plan Set uploaded to Control, I am able to scroll through all the Sheets. When I login to the Field App, I do not have his ability. I have to go to each PDF Sheet to view without the ability to scroll. I need to back out of the c...
In side of the the Dashboard is it possible to assign a separate colour to each of the stages. This will will allow the user to to see what stage they are are at quickly For example Draft - Yellow Review - Orange Assigned - Purple Above colours on...
In 'Assign To' it would be nice to have the users and the roles grouped together. For exampel 'Role: Contractor' and then underneath that all the users in that role, and then the next role with associated users underneath that and so on... If impl...
Morten Sørensen
over 2 years ago
in SYNCHRO Control / Forms
Future consideration
There are cases which will benefit greatly from having the ability to assign custom bindings to the Multiassign control. E.g. Subcontractors supervisors live on a project. The selection does not need to assign the form to the custom users, just be...
The ability to automatically link documents in PW to a designated form when users create new inspections. I.e. have the ITP managed in PW and autolinked to the inspection
Users want to change the layout.
They have uploaded a lot of imodels, but they want to see at a glance what files are in total. Currently imodel's window size is too small.
Allow for the import of 2D pdf drawings and to add markups to the drawing in synchro. The markups, for example lines, hatches or text are linked to activities so a 2D staging book can be made.
Michiel Janssens
almost 5 years ago
Future consideration