Collapse Up / Collapse Down Function & Keyboard Shortcut in Tables (Resources, 3D, Activity)
We would like to be able to quickly jump up or down in the hierarchy of the various tables in Synchro 4D. Ctrl + [ to collapse up one level Ctrl +] to expanded down one level Ctrl +- to collapse all Ctrl + = to expand all For example: An activity ...
Ability to view and add station offset information while creating Forms in field
Similar to how this app does it - While in the iModel view, we should be able to - Jump to our GPS location, Start a Form Click on the pin to pop up the station information Copy that into a Form - auto or manual
Arpit Prakash
4 months ago
in Field
Future Consideration
Bentley includes a "Limit to fields on the form" function in the Actions-Scripts function at the Design Form stage (whoever added this is a genius!). Please include the same "Limit to fields/bindings on the form" function on the Field Options part...
Please enable forms assigned for approval in transition to be visible in My Home area
Please enable forms assigned for approval in transition to be visible in My Home area. Currently the only notification to an approver is the email that usually gets lost in the noise.
provide fucntionality to send notification on Approval in transition
Provide functionality for the system to be able to send notification to requestor/Assigned person once Approval in transition is achieved. Currently there is no facility to notify users that a form has been approved in transition.