Work Area Detailing - 3D properties of the Detailing Elements
Please allow for maintaining the original 3D object's properties as much as possible in the subdivided elements. It is much harder to utilise the filter feature when the subdivided elements lose core 3D properties like "element identifier".
Patryk Makowski
about 1 year ago
in SYNCHRO Modeler
Needs review
The issue described here: I would consider utilising the Filters tab in 3D View properties window for ...
If we can do more calculation for the DateTime and Date component. Example: Get the Duration between two date or date time. the duration will be number, can be set as day our hour or minute. Can add a Date component with number box component. Righ...
Indrawan Gmail
over 2 years ago
in SYNCHRO Control / Forms
Future consideration
In the Model viewer, it would be extremely useful to be able to search in the Category and Model trees and turn on/off specific Categories or Models. This functionality exists in Control.
Custom Personal Dashboard can save selected Form Name
Currently the Custom Personal Dashboard can not save the selected Form Name. Beacuse the of that, only few columns are visible in dash board table, because I believe it just show the common columns that are exist in all forms. If we deselect un-wa...
Add some kind of functions to provide evidence for contractor endorsement in reports
Refer to Bentley support case CS0280359 (attached file) or below: Knowing that the design rational for "Reports" module from support, which the report generated and submitted by one party (e.g. contractor) will be reviewed and approved by another ...
Ability to make Photo a required option in Survey Control
Photo option is hidden behind the menu, which makes it harder to find. We should have a easy to access icon for photo, which can then be made required as well.