Export PDF without folder if no attachments available
This issue is in regards to exporting a PDF. When exporting a PDF to ProjectWise, a folder is created in ProjectWise with the exported PDF inside the folder. Is there a way to just export the PDF form without the addition of a folder. The AO that ...
Currently when we export to IFC all objects are white. Ideally we should be able to export to IFC with the original colours or even colours that the user overwritten.
Link between documents under Documents/Connections and plant set
Since we can now display the saved search under Synchro field, it may be easier to find a document under Documents or Connections. From there if the document exist under Plan Set, a Go To link should exist to allow user to move back and forth betw...
Currently you can only select 1 item and identify properties in the model. When selecting more than 2 items, even if they are apart of the same system, the model is unable to give the properties. Would you be able to adjust this feature so that yo...
Helen Whitcher
11 months ago
in Field / Models | Tools
Future Consideration
As an enterprise, we need the ability to default a window placement for our users. Our teams are used to seeing a similar layout to Window Placement number 4 in other CPM Scheduling Tools. We would like to scale the use of Synchro Scheduler to rep...
The issue described here: https://communities.bentley.com/products/construction/f/synchro-construction-forum/255742/synchro-4d-pro---unload-3d-objects-by-multiple-filters I would consider utilising the Filters tab in 3D View properties window for ...
Ability to make Photo a required option in Survey Control
Photo option is hidden behind the menu, which makes it harder to find. We should have a easy to access icon for photo, which can then be made required as well.