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PINNED Publish from PW Create Rendition to SYNCHRO Control PDF
Can ProjectWise ICS printing of PDF publish directly to a SYNCHRO Control Project?
PINNED I would like media Indexing to remember my Search preference like this week or Month instead of today
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Showing 773

Ability to Tag members in the Comments

It would be great if you could Tag members in comments which would trigger a notification, and discussion
Kevin Vivien over 3 years ago in SYNCHRO Control / Forms 2 Future consideration

Math Function in Data Grid

It is good if the Math function is available inside the data grid component. Also with Total row.
Indrawan Gmail over 2 years ago in SYNCHRO Control / Forms 0 Future consideration

Provide hosting service for Apps/scripts

Provide hosting service for apps/scripts to run on cloud service as a backend. Provide options for python, php, javascript with working IDE to allow users to develop in sandbox mode and run in production mode service application scripts that inter...
Kiril Tasev 4 months ago in SYNCHRO Control / APIs 0

Show / Hide Polylines Setting similar to 4D pro setting.

Ability to remove linework from Imodel as this does not got linked to the model in Synchro 4D pro.
Joe Griffiths 11 months ago in SYNCHRO Control / Model Viewer 0

To have the possibility to define a look-ahead filter for the Gantt window accessible from Synchro Control \ Schedule

Currently all Schedule Tasks within the Synchro 4D Pro .sp file are displayed in the Gantt Window accessible from Synchro Control \ Schedule. As we can have several thousands of Activities, it will be difficult for User to understand which are th...
Thibault Dumas about 3 years ago in SYNCHRO Control / Models 1 Future consideration

Email notification when a comment is added for a form

A notification is to be sent to the user when a comment is made on a form type - the status of the form doesn't necessarily need to change. From the user - "I know it might be annoying to some people, but I would like a f...
Shaohua Guan about 1 year ago in SYNCHRO Control / Forms 0 Planned

Display Resources Tree in Synchro Control \ Schedule

To have the possibility to access in Synchro Control \ Schedule the Resources Tree as defined in Synchro Pro. With possibility, in Synchro Control \ Schedule, to navigate between Resources window, 3D window and Gantt window the same way than in Sy...
Thibault Dumas over 3 years ago in SYNCHRO Control / Models 1 Future consideration

Escalate form to have an option to include attachments or not

When escalating the form from one to another, can we please have an option to whether the escalation will include the attachments or not from the previous form to the next form? This is important when the user access between the two forms are diff...
Guest over 2 years ago in SYNCHRO Control 0 Future consideration

Delete Bindings

Want the ability to Delete a Binding(s) that are unused and unassigned on FORM Definitions
Derryl Acosta over 3 years ago in SYNCHRO Control / Forms 2 Planned

Plan Revision Notifications

Notify users through e-mail when plan revisions are published.
David Gallaher over 2 years ago in SYNCHRO Control / Plan Sets 0 Future consideration