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Pinned ideas

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PINNED I would like media Indexing to remember my Search preference like this week or Month instead of today
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PINNED Publish from PW Create Rendition to SYNCHRO Control PDF
Can ProjectWise ICS printing of PDF publish directly to a SYNCHRO Control Project?


Showing 774

Ability to create Inspection from within iModel Viewer

SYNCHRO Field already supports this.
Arpit Prakash 10 months ago in SYNCHRO Control / Inspection / Model Viewer 0

Ability to make Photo a required option in Survey Control

Photo option is hidden behind the menu, which makes it harder to find. We should have a easy to access icon for photo, which can then be made required as well. 
Arpit Prakash 10 months ago in SYNCHRO Control / Forms 0

Ability to change default wording 'Explanation' in a Survey Control

For example, changing the word from 'Explanation' to 'Observation'.
Arpit Prakash 10 months ago in SYNCHRO Control / Forms 0

Schedule: Layouts, Viewpoints, 3D Filters, Filters

Please improve the functionality of Schedule on the Control Portal so that it is possible to activate Layouts, Viewpoints, 3D Filters and Filters that have been created in Synchro 4D Pro. This will bring it closer to the functionality of Synchro O...
Ruth Fuller over 1 year ago in SYNCHRO Control / Schedule 1

Saved searches (lists) for forms

Some of our users want to have pre-defined form lists always available for their review. For example, a list of forms in a certain state assigned to a certain contractor, and so on (so they could review these lists on certain forums). Perhaps the ...
Konstantin Gurenko over 1 year ago in SYNCHRO Control / Admin / Forms / Reports 0 Future consideration

Allow the selection of more than one "AFC Design Packages"/"Submittal Registry No" per form on Synchro

There are many situations in which multiple AFC Design Packages/Submittal Registry Numbers are affected/targeted by an RFI, FDC, Shop drawing, etc..., and I need to select more than one, but I am unable to. I'm requesting that the drop-down list a...
Guest over 1 year ago in SYNCHRO Control / Forms 1 Will not implement

Ability to uncheck Files during project registration or reprovision using organization template

Arpit Prakash 7 months ago in SYNCHRO Control 0

Ability to Tag members in the Comments

It would be great if you could Tag members in comments which would trigger a notification, and discussion
Kevin Vivien over 3 years ago in SYNCHRO Control / Forms 2 Future consideration

Signature Overwrite Setting

The signature component now is only one time used. In many workflow, there are send back process, and the user need to sign again for the second time. For this type of workflow, Need to able to make the signature component empty again and can be u...
Indrawan Wijaya about 2 years ago in SYNCHRO Control / Forms 0 Planned

Disable permissions that are not relevant to Access

For example, if a Role only has Field access, the rest of the permissions that do not correspond to it, like Admin, should be greyed out -
Arpit Prakash over 1 year ago in SYNCHRO Control / Admin 0 Future consideration