Export PDF without folder if no attachments available
This issue is in regards to exporting a PDF. When exporting a PDF to ProjectWise, a folder is created in ProjectWise with the exported PDF inside the folder. Is there a way to just export the PDF form without the addition of a folder. The AO that ...
Composite iModels not usable for Synchro scheduling
Please add the option to use the composite iModels for Scheduling services, now it's not possible to filter out data from an existing iModel and start working with Synchro 4D
synchronise saved views between synchro imodel and connect design review / itwinhub
it would be great that the saved views created in synchro control imodel could be automatically synchronized over to the other platform / services such as design review and itwin hub
Provide hosting service for apps/scripts to run on cloud service as a backend. Provide options for python, php, javascript with working IDE to allow users to develop in sandbox mode and run in production mode service application scripts that inter...
Show Legend based on Appearance Profiles in the 3D Window of Synchro Control \ Schedule
Currently no Legend is displayed in the 3D Window accessible from the Schedule functionality of Synchro Control. As a Synchro .sp file can be related to various subjects: Engineering Steps, Procurement Cycle, Construction Sequences,... As Legends ...
Thibault Dumas
about 3 years ago
in SYNCHRO Control
Future consideration
Ability to make Photo a required option in Survey Control
Photo option is hidden behind the menu, which makes it harder to find. We should have a easy to access icon for photo, which can then be made required as well.