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Showing 28

Add media indexing and schedule on field app.

Photos will be taking in the field using the app however there is now way to view all photos because there is no media indexing tab. This goes the same for schedule.
David Gallaher almost 2 years ago in Field / Forms | Media 2 Future Consideration

Change Assigned to font

Can the color scheme, background or font be changed in the synchro field app when users try to submit a form for review. When they submit a form for review it prompts them to assign a recipient for review, but the default image appears to be greye...
Arpit Prakash 12 months ago in Field / Forms | Forms 0 Planned

Can Due Date on form be defaulted to TODAY()+X number of days?

By default can the due date be "X" number of days from the date the form was created?
Dan Sheldon about 2 years ago in Field / Forms | Forms 1 Will not implement

The Map Layers doesn't support weather

Would like to be able to see Radar and other map-related weather items as you can see in the Map view in Control. This is needed to attach to forms to show why a delay may have happened
Dan Sheldon about 2 years ago in Field / Forms | Forms 0 Future Consideration

Ability to re-assign/copy forms

This is possible in Control, but not in Field.
Arpit Prakash about 1 year ago in Field / Forms | Forms / Forms | Inspections 0 Future Consideration

Translation of the buttons according to the language set in the Bentley portal

Even if I set my profile language to Portuguese, for example, the "Add Attachments" button remains in English.
Yessica Andrade Barbosa 8 months ago in Field / Forms | Forms 0

Markup Photos

Ability to markup photos (Asked about this on demos)
Thomas Schimpf almost 4 years ago in Field / Forms | Media 0 Planned

enable transitions in offline mode

Some activities like inspections or witness poitns rely on multiple users beign on site and carrying an inspection. If satisfactory they will sign/certify the fact and can transition the flow between each other to do that. In offline mode this is ...
Kiril Tasev over 2 years ago in Field / Forms | Inspections 0 Future Consideration

Photo thumbnails

To make it easier for users to identify the right photos, there needs to be a simple thumbnail viewer. This should be resizable so that the users can make the thumbnails bigger as needed.
Arnar Agustsson over 5 years ago in Field / Forms | Media 0 Planned

Able to support Grid Control component

Field can open the Form with Grid Control
Indrawan Wijaya over 3 years ago in Field / Forms | Forms 1 Already exists