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Pinned ideas

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PINNED SYNCHRO Field - Update Task Start date based off Earliest Resource Status
I am not sure if this is planned or not, but when we have the ability to update Resource Status through SYNCHRO Field, there should be an option (or Automatic) to change the status of the Task from Planned to Started, and also update the date to r...
PINNED Integration with the Headlight app to transfer data captured in Headlight to SYNCHRO Control
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Showing 1316 of 1316

Detach Schedule window from model window for dual monitor use

it will enable having both 3D and schedule views on different screens for better collboration.
Guest over 3 years ago in [Archive] SYNCHRO 4D Review 0

Allow bulk update for Plansets sheets

With projects having thousands of sheets added as plan sets. Sometimes it is necessary to update some information on multiple sheets after the sheets are published. For a scenario where, for example, the discipline of 100+ sheets needs to be chang...
Hasham Kiani almost 2 years ago in SYNCHRO Control / Plan Sets 0 Planned

collapsible sections by discipline in the PDF Settings

Under the All Sheets thumbnails in the PDF Setting have the ablity to collapsibe a discpline down to just a name of sheets to make it easier to move around the sheets. Also give the ablity to search by discipline
Dan Sheldon over 3 years ago in SYNCHRO Control / Plan Sets 0 Future consideration

Replace "Contact Administrator" error message with "Clear Local Cache"

Replace "Contact Administrator" error message with "Clear Local Cache" message as a first line of troubleshooting.
Guest over 3 years ago in SYNCHRO Control / Admin 0 Will not implement

When object is selected it highlights tasks associated (Status update view)

When 3D odject is selected in Status view the accosiated task should be highlighted. Similar to when a 3D object is selected in the schedule view in Control.
Thomas Schimpf over 3 years ago in Field / Status update | Resources 0 Planned

Bulk Export PDF Inspection Forms

In the event of large volumes of Inspection Forms being executed daily; the current manual pdf export functionality will slow down the workflow. Suggest bulk PDF Export to be utilized within the Inspections Module.
John Todd over 3 years ago in SYNCHRO Control 0 Planned

WPS to AWP Battle Board Integration

Use synchro for scheduling to link to p6 Use Csim planner to build IWP Push data to Synchro Control/Field/4D
Ryan Posnikoff over 5 years ago in SYNCHRO Control 0 Planned

Extend interoperability from version 15 to version 16

Synchro 4D Pro is currently only interoperable with ASTA Powerproject up t o version 15 of the software. The current version of ASTA Powerproject is version 16.0.02 and any users in this format are unable to import files into Synchro unless they u...
chris horsfield almost 2 years ago in SYNCHRO 4D Pro / Import/Export 4 Will not implement

Ability to load multiple projects through Power BI Connector

Currently, I can only load one project at a time - If i want to aggregate data from multiple projects, and I run the Connector, it will create duplicates of the existing tables with a suffix (Query1, Query2, etc.), which becomes very hard to merge...
Arpit Prakash almost 2 years ago in SYNCHRO Control 0 Future consideration

Manage Project Details [Customizable]

Would like the ability to add Basic or Advanced Controls as in Forms Designer. i.e. Would like a field to be able to put an Owners Project Number / Name
Derryl Acosta over 3 years ago in SYNCHRO Control / Admin 0 Future consideration