Make "Related Forms" accessible for Work Packages on Field
Make "Related Forms" accessible for Work Packages on Field Currently not available on apple cellphones - the related forms shown in image "Field Application 1" is not available in image "Field Application 2". please implement as soon as possible.
Hello Team, I know that we can copy/pas keyframe as text . This function requires to realize for each 3D path. I wonder if there is any way to export Keyframe of 3D paths to excel file and import excel file to update keyframe of 3D paths. Thanks
The ability to set the visibility duration of equipment associated to a task.
Example, a mobile crane is assigned to a 'roof cladding' task. The crane will only be required on site for the first 50% of the task to load the panels then it can removed. Having the ability/option to make the crane disappear after a certain amou...
Users from Synchro Control also visible in Synchro 4D Pro users
In Synchro Control you add users to your project with some the rights to schedule in Synchro Control projects with Synchro 4D Pro. When you work with different people in Synchro 4D Pro you canot see the users from Synchro Control in Synchro 4D Pro...
I would like to apply different styles to control when needed, instead of building specific styles for each case. For example, I have a style for bold text and a separate style for underlined text that could be combined when needed. It would be ni...
Specifically wanted for checklists. It feels more natural to have the checkboxes align with a label on the right side. I could see use cases for other things like entering numbers for quantity or labeling dimensions.
Sometimes I want to experiment with a form layout without worrying about clicking undo in case I don't like the changes. It would be nice to turn off the auto save or be able to revert to the state when I first opened the form.
Since we cannot delete forms, it would be useful to hide forms with a 'Void' status from the work table if they were submitted in error or no longer relevant. It would also be useful if those records aren't included in exported csv files.
It would be really useful to add a feature to import and export the 3D Path Keyframe Lists for a project. This would allow the Keyframe List to be manipulated in other software, for example Excel, and imported back into the project.