In the form, there is workflow, and each steps in the workflow have some properties need to filled. If we set these properties as is required = true. It will ask these properties filled start from beginning / form creation. Need to have capability...
When opening an existing form in the work window, there is an option to adjust the width of the form which has proved to be very useful with some of our larger forms. When opening a new form, it pops up in a new window in full screen mode and ther...
Charlie Button
about 1 year ago
in SYNCHRO Control
Custom Forms - Mass fill bindings with excel import/export
Instead of having to select and create bindings on each control in the form designer. It would save a lot of time if there was an export with all the controls and bindings, where we could mass assign binding and import back into SYNCHRO Control
When in Form Services and adjusting the canvas width, it does not translate when populating the fields in the Form Definition in Control. See attached.
When a User is added for the first time to a Control Project through Administration>Manage Your Team>Add Users, the Name for that User will show as FirstName LastName. When the User logins to Control, it should be mandatory fields to change ...
Form prefix to be longer than 4 characters and to include numbers and special characters
We find the prefix being 4 letters limiting to our form needs and processes. We therefore as Synchro users would want the form prefix to be longer and to include numbers and punctuation characters. like -_.!$%*<>?/| Our standard flow is to d...
Enable customization of the comment box size and styling in Survey control
Whilst having the ability for multiline text , the comment in Survey control is small and non customisable. It will be a better UX to provide option to define size, style
provide option for Comment on Approval in transition
Provide ability to enable/disable optional/mandatory Comment on approval in transition. Currently there is no fascility to provide additional information on Approval
In Survey Control (setting up) it would be useful to be able to reorganise the questions. This could be done similar to re-organising the transitions in the workflow by having an anchor and dragging the questions up or down.