Aggregated dashboard to show work items (forms) for all projects
Proof of concept has been completed by atkins team members. having this dashboard function embedded within controls would be of significant value to senior stakeholders across the project
Integrate Rules of Credit into mobile app (properly)
Currently the rules of credit progress update interface is an 'iwindow'(?) which completely crashes when opened in the windows app.It is currently only available as an add-on you need to request. It is already a tabbed viewer, it doesnt make any s...
Currently there is no relation between tasks and their subtask, even in rules of credit, you could have all subtasks at 100% but the parent still sits at 0% as a manual input.
Allow scope items to have "Create and Add Another"
Creating hundreds of scope items is tedious and if we are not allowed to use an upload spreadsheet, this would at least eliminate 5 mouse clicks per ite,
Primavera P6 v21 compatibility with Bentley Synchro 4D
I am trying to synchronize my Primavera P6 schedule using Synchro 4D Pro, but I am facing an issue. I am using Primavera P6 version 21, which is not supported by Synchro 4D Pro. Synchro 4D Pro only supports Primavera P6 versions 19.2 or lower. I'v...
Ability to see when a form was created in the register/list view
Please, provide ability to expose the date created for form instances in the List view. A built in property that can be exposed from the three vertical lines.This will help track changes and resolve issues. Current case is where a cascade was refr...
Excel Export of ALL Dashboard Forms and Custom Attributes
Excel export of all dashboard Forms - Similar functionality to 'Work' where you can navigate to Export view to Excel & Export all data to Excel via the three dots. Such functionality will assist moving all project form data to the likes of Pow...
Navisworks Exporter - Limit User Fields like the Revit Exporter
The .spx exporter in Revit has the ability to limit the number of Userfields exported from Revit. I think it would be a great idea to have the same function built into the Navisworks Exporter. Currently, it exports all Userfields and values and th...