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Pinned ideas

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PINNED Have the ability to move widgets and tables to a second monitor
Screen real estate to see the model is getting smaller with more widgets and tools can we move widgets to a second monitor?
PINNED I would like media Indexing to remember my Search preference like this week or Month instead of today
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Showing 37

Update the text of empty state page for some cases.

Currently, if the user: • has all permissions checked in the “Permissions” panel (Permissions.jpg); • doesn’t have imported SoV line items and created PCOs and COs; • has all contracts in the “Draft” state; when navigating to the PCO or CO page, ...
Guest over 3 years ago in Contracts 0 Will not implement

Log attachments in audit trail

Just like workflow changes, I suggest that attachment changes (uploading, downloading and deleting) should also be logged. Currently there are two audit trail tabs (excluding "all"): workflows and views. If implementing this change, perhaps a new ...
Guest over 3 years ago in Contracts 0 Will not implement

Remove yellow highlighting of search results in Cost grids.

At the current moment, the search results are not highlighted by yellow fill in Synchro Control grids. (Synchro Control.jpg) But Cost grids still keep highlighting of search results. (Cost.jpg) It is not convenient for cases when user has revision...
Guest over 3 years ago in Contracts 0 Will not implement

Previous Site trello board

Review these ideas when there is a chance.
Jacqueline Chen over 3 years ago in Field / Models 0 Will not implement

Vertical clearance

Utah DOT - User wants to get the Z difference or vertical clearance from any point or lines to a surface. This will be very useful for users to understand the space/ clearance they need for equipment operation, installation vertical constraint, etc.
Jacqueline Chen almost 4 years ago in Field / Models | Tools 0 Will not implement

Map options

iModel DR has many map options Not limited to: Hybrid Aerial Street and additional options
Jacqueline Chen almost 4 years ago in Field / Forms | Maps 0 Will not implement

Duplicate status already exist for some resources reminder

If only one resource is selected, remind user that "Already had a duplicate "xx" status recorded on "date/time", still proceed?" If multiple resources are selected, remind user that "Some have duplicate "xx" status recorded, still proceed?" Yes wi...
Jacqueline Chen almost 4 years ago in Field / Status update | Resources 0 Will not implement

Status forwarding reminder

Removed - it would be by design because there is a need for the status history trail. Even if the statuses are submitted wrongly it is still beneficial seeing the record. Validated with DPR. Inconsistent behavior in 4D Pro and Field (I can't remem...
Jacqueline Chen almost 4 years ago in Field / Status update | Resources 0 Will not implement

Expand tree to selected elements

Future/PM: expand tree to selected elements? Would need to define workflow and how to deal with incremental selections/expand/etc. Proposal - "Show selected in model tree" option or button in properties. Requires platform changes
Jacqueline Chen almost 4 years ago in Field / Models | Visibility 0 Will not implement

Creating issue ignores and does not save hidden elements

Issue exists in both SYNCHRO Control and Field, need to unify both at the same time. PM to coordinate
Jacqueline Chen almost 4 years ago in Field / Forms | Forms 0 Will not implement