We would like an option added in the Form Definitions to control where an attachment derived from when attaching a file to a Form. The Option available are from "Your Computer" and "Documents". There are many situations our team does not want “You...
The ability to Group Projects on the Home Page by adding some additional fields such as Location, Phase, and Date. Would also like the ability to create Custom sort/groups for Projects.
Derryl Acosta
over 3 years ago
in SYNCHRO Control / Admin
Future consideration
Currently, when user export all the form contents in excel, it doesn't export the images as well. As such, users need to still need to open the forms one by one to get the images uploaded in the form.
Siti Nurhazirah Mokmin
over 3 years ago
in SYNCHRO Control / Forms
Future consideration
Currently the workflow requires a download from the source (PW or project documents) and an upload to plan set. That leaves up to 3 copies of the same file.
Ability to set a form in a state to be only editable by the creator but visible to others.
Ability to set a form in a particular state (usually the starting) to be only editable by the Creator but visible to people with the same form credentials/permissions.
It will be useful to have an ability for a form to be sent to external to the flow/project person as a guest/3rd party signatory. This is to enable that person to assure "yes/no" or "Accept/Reject" statement that can then be added to the form's au...
The "Compare" button in the schedule viewer needs some tooltips or explanation on what its purpose is. What is the difference between the top and bottom slider buttons? It also seems a little "clunky" when sliding. See this attached video