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Showing 8

Ability to create Build iTwin project using API

Currently unavailable but desperately needed: Ability to create Build iTwin project using API where a project per subcontractor model is adopted to allow rapid deployment
Kiril Tasev 26 days ago in SYNCHRO Control / APIs 0

Provide hosting service for Apps/scripts

Provide hosting service for apps/scripts to run on cloud service as a backend. Provide options for python, php, javascript with working IDE to allow users to develop in sandbox mode and run in production mode service application scripts that inter...
Kiril Tasev 4 months ago in SYNCHRO Control / APIs 0

Stamp a PDF with a custom stamp via a Web Services API call

(MUST) As a Bentley developer I want to be able to stamp a PDF file with an image/text via a Web Service API call using PDFTron (Apryse). (MUST) As a Bentley developer I want to be able to specify the location of the stamp to allow for positioning...
Paul Houghton 10 months ago in SYNCHRO Control / APIs 0 Already exists

Project creation through the API

When creating a project using the ITwin API that project is not visible in SYNCHRO Control. Project creation through the Projects API was a request they made when the Projects API was being migrated into the iTwin API and never responded too.
Russ Campton 10 months ago in SYNCHRO Control / APIs 0

Shared With in PowerBI Connector

The Shared With does not come if The form is using the the Assigned to. It is prefer to have Shared With separately and able to pull all contains in Shared With. (currently only get the first person / role) regards, Indrawan
Indrawan Wijaya 10 months ago in SYNCHRO Control / APIs 0

Additional Features Synchro Control - Power Bi plug in

Hey, I was testing out the Synchro Control - Power Bi plug in and ran into a little issue. Not all the information I wanted was getting exported and some data I wasn't interested in was. Is it possible to add in a feature so we can determine which...
alex van belleghem over 2 years ago in SYNCHRO Control / APIs 0

Send a document to PDFTron for conversion to PDF via a Web Service REST API

As a Bentley developer I want to be able to send a document to PDFTron (Apryse) via a Web Services API call for conversion into a PDF document. Expectation is that a PDF document is generated and available via an endpoint returned by the original ...
Paul Houghton 10 months ago in SYNCHRO Control / APIs 0

PowerBI API automatic refresh dashboard

Published dashboard on your PowerBI workspace it is not possible to refresh automatic. Because the plugin is not supported by PowerBI. It will be great if we can automatic refresh the dashboard.
Martijn Querner almost 2 years ago in SYNCHRO Control / APIs 0