Cascading list currently supports only text data type. More data types (number, boolean, dates) should be added so that the cascading list can interact more with Actions.
3D Notations (Footnote / Comment) - Modifying the input (based on property)
We are looking for a solution for creating a footnote / comment automatically based on a property. Normally, the function footnote / comment will give area, length or coordinates automatically but I want the footnote / comment to grab the Typemark...
Block users from removing users/roles in multi-assign
When the IsPrivate binding is enabled, only users and roles listed in the Assigned To and Assigned Users (multi-assign) can access the form instance. We would like to stop non-admin users from being able to remove roles or users that are already o...
Arnar Agustsson
over 1 year ago
in SYNCHRO Control / Forms
Future consideration
To be able to display annotations in the 3D window accessible from Synchro Control \ Schedule.
For some Use-Cases, it can be necessary to add information to the 4D Model under the form of annotation to highlight specific items (schedule items or Material Resources). It is therefore required to have the possibility to import into Synchro Con...
Thibault Dumas
about 3 years ago
in SYNCHRO Control
Future consideration