It seems the padding between Controls is random and there's no way of controlling it - Also, the Control Width should be 100% of the Section instead of the Form. If I set each Control to 50%, they will not stack against each other.
Profile window - Show multiple vertical alignments
We often have multiple vertical alignments for a single horizontal alignment. It would be extremely helpful to see all vertical alignments in the profile window. Currently, if we have a roadway profile that is not set active because there are mult...
Following from issues with relative floating of objects on the canvas it will be a good tool to have a search box for components. Start typing the component name and a list appears (similar to the Bindings). Once a component name is chosen the foc...
This option is available in Control, but not Field. This makes it impossible to enter info in Grids, as all the column names are truncated and fields are too narrow.Control - Field -
Arpit Prakash
over 1 year ago
in Field / Forms | Forms
Future Consideration
When selecting an element, there is no information to be found about the assigned activities. It would be helpful to have an information window with the assigned tasks and corresponding start and end dates and assigned appearance profiles, when th...
Currently user can play sequence at three different speed; user can also pause the playback.
User would want to step forward and backward to see static visual plan on a specific day, to talk about it and discuss with the team.
Consider includi...
I am trying to download Synchro open viewer, the issue is when I download: Free 4D BIM Model Viewer ( It is Version So it will not open my current Synchro 4D PRO models that are created in Please can you let me know if ...
feature able to create a view Eg- a steel fabrication view to be created in synchro pro and uploaded on to synchro control. and in manage role having a feature to give access to only a steel fabricator stakeholder. This will allow the subcontracto...