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Pinned ideas

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PINNED I would like media Indexing to remember my Search preference like this week or Month instead of today
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PINNED Publish from PW Create Rendition to SYNCHRO Control PDF
Can ProjectWise ICS printing of PDF publish directly to a SYNCHRO Control Project?


Showing 89

Two point scale and rotate PDF that are not geolocated

Need a way to locate two known objects on the PDF and then the same spots on the map to move and rotate onto the pdf the map.
Dan Sheldon about 4 years ago in SYNCHRO Control / Plan Sets 1 Future consideration

Email Notifications when Documents uploaded to the Documents Module

When Documents are uploaded to the Documents Module, it would be nice to have the option to receive email notifications when new documents or any documents are uploaded to this module.
Derryl Acosta over 3 years ago in SYNCHRO Control / Documents 0 Future consideration

Ability to automatically fill Plan Set fields from title block

All sheets within a plan set typically have a title block with consistent data structure and location. We can already select text from a smart pdf, or ocr capabilities for dumb pdfs. We should be able to map this information to their respective fi...
Arpit Prakash over 1 year ago in SYNCHRO Control / Plan Sets 0 Future consideration

Ability to unlock locked folders by an Admin

A folder can be locked by any Role having corresponding permissions, however, there may be instances when the user is not available to grant access to the files.
Arpit Prakash almost 2 years ago in SYNCHRO Control / Documents 0 Future consideration

I want Media Indexing (in Documents, SYNCHRO Control) to detect and support Spanish words.

Currently media indexing only detects words in English, therefore the search only supports English words. Please add Spanish functionality.
Mariano Colicchio 11 months ago in SYNCHRO Control / Media Indexing 0

Auto suggest existing Tags when entering a new tag when editing a Plan Sheet

As I type in a TAG for a plan sheet, if as I type there are existing tags that match the current pattern, suggest them to me. This allows me to pick from an existing tag and helps to maintain consistency avoiding typos as well as duplicate tags th...
Paul Johnson almost 2 years ago in SYNCHRO Control / Plan Sets 0 Future consideration

Rotate markup image in PDF markups after placement

Need to Rotate the image after insert. Scale and rotate after insert image in PDF markup.
Dan Sheldon almost 4 years ago in SYNCHRO Control / Plan Sets 0 Future consideration

[SHARE Document] It would be Helpful if Roles would be in Alpha order when assigning Permissions.

It would be Helpful if Roles would be in Alpha order when assigning Permissions. Right now the roles are in a random order that do not make sense. This is SHARE permission on document folders
David Dudek Jr. about 2 years ago in SYNCHRO Control / Documents 0 Future consideration

Update Gallery UI with date organization in grid view of Media Explorer

When using photo storage like Google Photos - the UI for the gallery view is organized quickly by Dates. It also provides a very quick and simple date slider along the side to navigate to older dates. The date organization is a quick easy way to f...
Paul Johnson about 2 years ago in SYNCHRO Control / Media Indexing 0 Future consideration

Let user tag sheets in PDF plan set using a bulk upload via spreadsheet

would it be possible to develop a feature to tag (add detailed information like name, sheet number, discipline, type, revision, revision date, etc.) sheets in the PDF plan set via a spreadsheet upload?
Paolomee Udani over 3 years ago in SYNCHRO Control / Plan Sets 0 Will not implement