Now date filter considers both photo uploaded date and taken date which could be different each other. To know the field evolution over time, it will be useful to have the possibility to filter on the taken date only.
Custom Order Columns for Plan Sets and Specification
Would like to have functionality to rearrange columns on the pdf Plan Set tab and Specification tab in the Documents section of Control. The forms interface currently allows for this functionality however the other sections of Control do not.
It would be great if we can have the search function for documents within SYNCHRO Field. We have a client who is about to upload approx. 100 pdfs per day in Control-documents, pdfs which will be opened by inspectors on site. Imagine someone on sit...
When selecting a parent folder should i not get all the subfolders and files? Currently, when I select a folder from the document I'm only getting 1 folder and non of its subfolders and files