When adding photos to folder or photos added by form attachment provide edit tool for File name and Image description when selected. For users who want to further clarify, add data, or forgot/did not change upon attaching image to form. Currently,...
Ability to read a QR/bar code in forms and use the infrmation for: populating a textbox/numberbox link to documents/data n SYnchro/alim/PW compare the data to a data linked from ALIM e.g. asset numbers
Guests - option to have no Table / Calendar / Map buttons
We are using Synchro Control for guests to view the 4D model only and are not using any other features of Control. When a Guest logs into Synchro Control, it loads up for them on the Table tab and they see text saying: 'You have no assigned work'....
Current method of loading and updating rates individually into Perform needs the ability to bulk create and needs to include notation to allow information on source
Ernest Downes
almost 3 years ago
in Perform / Dockets
Future Consideration
Organization admins may create multiple project templates and determine that some, or many, should be deleted or archived due to changing template needs. An admin should have the ability to select from a list of the project templates any that shou...