Scripts should be accessible like Bindings over all the forms in your project. For very complicated scripts it can become really repetitive and having a search feature would be extremely useful and user friendly
Ability to assign grid bound data to fillable PDF for export
Users would like to see reports in the pdf form that they are used to seeing. Therefore, custom export is not preferable over fillable pdf. As of now, I think the data captured via grid can be exported into a standard or custom pdf but not a filla...
Paolomee Udani
over 1 year ago
in SYNCHRO Control / Forms
Future consideration
Summary of Un-Synched and Synched items on the Field App Having a Summary of a Users Work Summary and a Users Own Work / Project that shows New,Overdue,Close deadline, etc.
If the user could drag an uploaded sheet on top of the existing published sheet icon in the left nav bar to revision it. It would save the user from having to manually lenter the sheet # in order to initiate the revision process
over 4 years ago
in SYNCHRO Control
Future consideration
I would like the feature to select all imodel and change the sync schedule timing or while changing the schedule for each model the options should stick in one place when scrolling down to select the models.
Jerry David Jaypaul
about 3 years ago
in SYNCHRO Control
Future consideration
hi Dev Team, Now 4D Pro can access the Form. If can add the Fast Option feature to able to select Form, I think it may give some value. Also if there is any more easy way to see the connection between Form and Task also good. Thank you, Indrawan
ProjectWise document connection Lower connection to Project Level
project framework then project top folders
under that it would be good to be able to connect into a lower level of the folder structure so we can connect to areas specific to the control project
When "Profile" enabled from "Civi Tools", hide or show in transparent the elements that cannot be used to create a profile. Prompt message if nothing can be used in the iModel.
Would it be possible to link a particular user profile to a preset arrangement? Seems a bit difficult sometimes for some stakeholders to find their viewsets. For example: Financial staff member: Gantt- User graph - Tasks - Filters for Financial st...