Under synchro Plan Set, have the option to display thumbnail reason is we have pant set with 100 or document per discipline and having thumbnail open a new way to look for a drawings. This will allow browsing like a photo gallery
When a form is being populated a lot of times we have fields we want to refer to like form id, status, title or whats not. With progression through the form, the content is scrolled and the initial fields disappear from view. It would be nice to e...
When assigning permissions for a form, where a lot of roles are visible and the admin scrolls down, the permission column headings disappear and has potential for error. It would be nice to have the permission headings enabled at all times. see at...
provide option for Comment on Rejection in transition
Provide ability to set mandatory comment on Rejection in transition. Generally the Rejection needs to be justified and provide guidance for the reason and may be how to achieve approval. Currently the form just stays in the status with no notifica...
I want to update inspection form status for multiple forms at a time
As a user, when I select more than one inspection form in Admin/Manage Forms/Inspections, the Change Status and Delete buttons grey out. I'd like to be able to change the status of multiple forms at the same time.
Additional Features Synchro Control - Power Bi plug in
Hey, I was testing out the Synchro Control - Power Bi plug in and ran into a little issue. Not all the information I wanted was getting exported and some data I wasn't interested in was. Is it possible to add in a feature so we can determine which...
Would like to see a Master dataset hosted via Excel spreadsheet (or similar) that contains all Master data for a Control project and specifically the information commonly referenced via dropdown lists and pick lists on custom forms. Suggested that...
Matthew Blake
over 2 years ago
in SYNCHRO Control / Forms
Future consideration
How to determine which element of the model the task is assigned to?
By clicking on a task in the diagram, we see only the assignments of the task, but we do not understand which elements it is assigned to. Perhaps you should add the function of displaying only the elements assigned to the selected tasks (isolation...