To have the possibility to define a look-ahead filter for the Gantt window accessible from Synchro Control \ Schedule
Currently all Schedule Tasks within the Synchro 4D Pro .sp file are displayed in the Gantt Window accessible from Synchro Control \ Schedule.
As we can have several thousands of Activities, it will be difficult for User to understand which are th...
SpaceMouse is a mouse for Navigating 3D models, it also has shortcut buttons that can speed up use of software by not having to navigate multiple drop down menus. Below is a like to their SDK, Bentley (view, microstation and pointools) are already...
Button in email that redirects directly to Synchro Field
When you receive an email, you only have a button that sends you to Synchro Control. We should have the option to redirect to the application directly.
Yessica Andrade Barbosa
7 months ago
in Field / Forms | Forms
Future Consideration
Escalate form to have an option to include attachments or not
When escalating the form from one to another, can we please have an option to whether the escalation will include the attachments or not from the previous form to the next form? This is important when the user access between the two forms are diff...
over 2 years ago
in SYNCHRO Control
Future consideration
Display Resources Tree in Synchro Control \ Schedule
To have the possibility to access in Synchro Control \ Schedule the Resources Tree as defined in Synchro Pro. With possibility, in Synchro Control \ Schedule, to navigate between Resources window, 3D window and Gantt window the same way than in Sy...
Instead of relying on exports to single excel spreadsheets have a connection to Power BI directly to quickly view data generated for cost code assignments into customized dashboards to organize data automatically. This can make setting up estimate...
David Gallaher
almost 2 years ago
in SYNCHRO Modeler
Future consideration