Dashboards - to add customisation so that we can determine the property that the charts can be displayed
We hope to be able to customise the dashboards according to the properties and bindings that we require, as well as the ability to drill down, similar to Connect services dashboards
Some of our users want to have pre-defined form lists always available for their review. For example, a list of forms in a certain state assigned to a certain contractor, and so on (so they could review these lists on certain forums). Perhaps the ...
Aggregated dashboard to show work items (forms) for all projects
Proof of concept has been completed by atkins team members. having this dashboard function embedded within controls would be of significant value to senior stakeholders across the project
if form A is escalated to form B, each form need to be exported separately. have the option to export both forms in one PDF document if one form is escalated to another.
Siti Nurhazirah Mokmin
about 4 years ago
in SYNCHRO Control / Reports
Future consideration
In side of the the Dashboard is it possible to assign a separate colour to each of the stages. This will will allow the user to to see what stage they are are at quickly For example Draft - Yellow Review - Orange Assigned - Purple Above colours on...
Summary of Un-Synched and Synched items on the Field App Having a Summary of a Users Work Summary and a Users Own Work / Project that shows New,Overdue,Close deadline, etc.