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Status Future consideration
Workspace SYNCHRO Control
Created by Thibault Dumas
Created on Nov 29, 2021

Show Legend based on Appearance Profiles in the 3D Window of Synchro Control \ Schedule

Currently no Legend is displayed in the 3D Window accessible from the Schedule functionality of Synchro Control.

As a Synchro .sp file can be related to various subjects: Engineering Steps, Procurement Cycle, Construction Sequences,...

As Legends often differs from one .sp file to another one, from one use case to another one: it is necessary that Synchro Control \ Schedule imports Legends associated with the 3D Window(s) created previously into Synchro Pro and offers the possibility to display them in the 3D Window.

This enhancement is internally referred as 4DMS-05.

  • Ruth Fuller
    Oct 16, 2023

    A neat way to provide the functionality of a Legend within Control could be to allow an Admin to upload an image of a Legend to Synchro Control. That way the Admin would have full flexibility to set up the Legend however they need to. It would be helpful if the User had some control over where the Legend is displayed and the amount of space it takes up on the screen.

  • Darius Okunevicius
    Mar 1, 2022

    Thank you for your idea. We understand the desire for it and will consider it as a part of a future release.