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Status Future consideration
Workspace SYNCHRO Control
Categories Models
Created by Daria Kosmala
Created on May 21, 2021

Make Cloning iModels cloning the iModel connections as well


iModel manager > iModel > ... > Clone iModel. It is probably Tech Preview (my users cannot see it). Right now it clones iModel without connections to design models (in Control/Documents, probably without PW connections too).

Please make this function copying connections as well - Irek Kisilewicz (SCS, HS2) will be able to create a backup copy of imodel in separate "backup" Control Project to avoid loosing work in case iModel is deleted without warning - please referre to “iModel deleted without warning”

His iModel has more than 70 connections and re-creating them after loosing iModel takes many hours of work.

    Jun 21, 2021

    Thank you for your idea. We understand the desire for it and will consider it as a part of a future release.